Tuesday, July 17, 2007

... Groo 25th Anniv. stuff...

For the Groo Crew, supporting Groop(ers/ies), and general fans....
I'll continue to make them until I run out of necessary supplies (probably the "O" beads...) or time, and will be bringing them to CCI (a.k.a., "Groofest").
Beads on the ends: Sergio-- "Rufferto" (at least, it's a dog); Mark-- a Chinese rip-off of Garfeild; Stan-- a rabbit; Tom-- picture jasper; Gordon-- Botswana agate (because it's orange); GG-- an almond; Carolyn-- a small, gray animal with a pointy nose; Sharon-- a cherry blossom (blue, because the pink one didn't look good with orange); two general "fan" versions.